Key Contacts

University Resources

  • If you are a member of the U of T community and wish to report any suspected violations of the Code of Behaviour, please contact your Dean’s or Chair’s Office for guidance.  If you are from outside the University of Toronto and wish to report any suspected academic integrity offences at the University of Toronto, including plagiarism, please contact the Provost’s Office at 
  • For free legal advice for U of T students facing sanctions under the Code of Behaviour, students should contact Downtown Legal Services
  • For all requests for reconsideration of an academic integrity sanction imposed by a Dean or Chair, please contact the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life at:
  • For questions regarding scheduling of a University Tribunal hearing, please contact the U of T Office of Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances

First Point of Contact

U of T students with questions about academic integrity and how it applies to a particular course should always speak to their instructor first. Instructors are best able to explain how academic integrity will be assessed in a given assignment or test/exam.

For questions about academic integrity process, students should contact their academic advisor, or their Faculty or division’s Registrar’s Office.

Divisional Contacts